Governor Rick Scott Agrees To Expand Medicaid Program In Florida

USA TODAY:  Before he was Florida’s governor, Rick Scott sank $5 million of his own fortune into trying to kill President Barack Obama’s health care reform agenda. On Wednesday, Scott, a Republican, completed a major turnaround when he announced his state would take part in a key element of Obama’s plan to enroll more poor people in Medicaid.

Florida will expand its Medicaid program to anyone who earns up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level, which is $15,282 for a single person this year, Scott said Wednesday afternoon during a news conference in Tallahassee. Scott is now the seventh Republican governor to back the Medicaid expansion made possible by Obamacare. In addition to Florida, 22 states and the District of Columbia plan to broaden Medicaid.

“I want every Floridian to have access to high-quality health care they can afford,” Scott said…   (more)

EDITOR:  Contrast Gov.  Scott’s pragmatic actions with Tom Corbett’s Hamlet attitude – maybe we will, maybe we won’t, but not for the moment.   “Obama Care” is but a interim step towards a rationale health policy, the best that could be achieved given the vaunted  vested interests.  But at least it is a constructive first step.
