Government fails us. Sorry for future generations.

First off we need to over haul government.  In Massachusetts they have no county government.  It is not a bad idea.  The monies go directly from the state to the municipalities.  Also, the Mayors are also the chairman of the School Boards and the taxes all go into one pot.

Look at all the money that could be saved if we had one or two superintendents?  The children are the ones who are getting the short end of the stick.

I was acquainted with Rita Bishop. .  She put her heart and soul into this city and after three years was fed up with the board and the money people that did not give a hoot about the city school system.  For years I was her sounding board.   I just listened as at the time she was going to DC for the hearings and all was confidential.  Did you know that there were people on the payroll who were dead when she came here?  Fast Forwarding to now, a lot of the staff wishes she did not leave as the system is back to where it was years ago.

Our systems are broke, whether the government or the schools.  I know a young single mother with two children by different fathers.  Both fathers are on disability and working on the side giving her not one cent.  She cleans houses, tries to work and take care of her children.  She cannot get a dime from the fathers and just today told me she goes down to well fare and wants to take some courses to get a job.  They now tell her she has to go to career links.  She told them she did that and all that was in her class were people that were just putting in time to get their money.  She wanted to go to classes to learn computer and get a job.   Their reply was that this is the system.  What is wrong with this picture?

Government jobs in general pay little; however, the benefits are tremendous.  If you look at the city or municipal budgets, it is the benefits and pensions that are costing the tax payers a fortune.

I feel so sorry for the next generation and the one after that.  The expectations are not to the sky anymore.  According to the list of the highest paying jobs for college grads:  Petroleum industry, chemical industry are in the hundreds.  Lowest were teaching and social workers, they start in the high twenties and low thirties.  As our population grows with more lower wage earners and people needing social programs and help, we are and are going to remain in pretty bad shape.
