Gov. Tom Corbett criticizes ex-Gov. Ed Rendell’s bid for Philly newspapers

PENN LIVE:   …. [Gov. Tom]Corbett told a Philadelphia radio show host today that he doesn’t think it’s a good idea for politicians to own newspapers, and added that he considers Ed Rendell to be a politician still. Corbett is a Republican and Rendell is a Democrat.

A Rendell-headed group including wealthy businessmen submitted a non-binding “letter of interest” in Philadelphia Media Network this month. Rendell calls it a civic-minded group with deep pockets that doesn’t need to turn a quick profit on the venture…   (more)

READER COMMENT:   I don’t think it’s a good idea for energy corporations to own politicians, and yet there’s Gov. Corporate with that million dollar donation from the Marcellus Shale Cartel in his election fund. You want to talk about what’s a good idea for politicians to do and not do? That’s pretty BALLSY if you ask me.
