Gov. Rendell to take a bus to ask citizen support for transit funds


Gov. Ed Rendell will begin a four-day, cross-state bus tour today to lobby residents for support of addition money for roads, bridges and public transportation…

Some options include a new tax on oil companies’ gross profits; higher state gasoline taxes; higher fees for renewal of driver’s licenses and vehicle registrations; or “public private partnerships,” where a private company would operate and maintain a newly tolled road and keep the toll revenue….

One critic, Gregory Wrightstone of Wexford, a member of the Pennsylvania Coalition for Responsible Government, called the governor’s bus ride the “Tax Me More Bus Tour,” and called for protesters to show up at each stop…

Click here to read the full article.

Editor’s note:   If the state wasn’t wasting money on convention centers for Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Lancaster and didn’t overspend to purchase the former PAM building in Lancaster, there might be funds for road improvements.
