[Gov. John Kasich of Ohio]: A Chance to Reset the Republican Race

NEW YORK TIMES EDITORIAL:  …Those two, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, are equally objectionable for different reasons. Mr. Trump has neither experience in nor interest in learning about national security, defense or global trade. Even unemployment figures, which he’s pegged at 23 or 42 percent (the correct number is 5 percent) don’t merit his attention…

Ted Cruz’s campaign isn’t about constitutional principles; it’s about ambition. In his three years in the Senate, he has helped to engineer a shutdown of the government and has alienated virtually the entire chamber, both of which he bills as accomplishments since he lacks real ones. Now, whether he’s threatening to “carpet bomb” Syrian villages or pitching a phony “flat tax” that would batter middle-class consumers, Mr. Cruz will say anything to win. The greater worry is that he’d follow words with action…

[A]s a veteran of partisan fights and bipartisan deals during nearly two decades in the House, [Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, ] has been capable of compromise and believes in the ability of government to improve lives. He favors a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, and he speaks of government’s duty to protect the poor, the mentally ill and others “in the shadows.” While Republicans in Congress tried more than 60 times to kill Obamacare, Mr. Kasich did an end-run around Ohio’s Republican Legislature to secure a $13 billion Medicaid expansion to cover more people in his state …  (more)



