Gov. Corbett’s welfare cuts could be too drastic

HARRISBURG PATRIOT NEWS Editorial:  …But too much of his budget proposal relies on cutting funding that the poor and needy depend on, and even though his proposed block grant program gives counties more flexibility, it cuts dollars for mental health and other human services.
County commissioners are beginning to voice their concern about the ramifications of his $10.5 billion public welfare spending plan.

On the cut in mental health funding, Dauphin County Commissioner George Hartwick III said this week “Literally, people could be turned out on the street. They could end up in prison or worse.”

The governor and his public welfare secretary, Gary Alexander, say the welfare system, where 40 cents of each taxpayer dollar goes, is too massive and needs to be cut.

But by making drastic cuts to programs that help the needy, he might just pass along more of the burdens of aiding the poor to counties, churches and nonprofits.
For example, the governor’s budget proposes cutting the $300 million General Assistance program, which provides about $180 a month to eligible adults…  (more)

