Gov. Corbett’s vision for PA schools

From the INQUIRER:

One proposal that many suburban school boards fear and many taxpayers relish calls for voter approval of proposed district budgets when tax increases exceed inflation. If this were in effect now, more than 80 percent of the districts in Philadelphia’s suburbs probably would have to vote.

Give school boards, for the first time, a free hand to lay off teachers to cut costs, with the decider in the furloughs being classroom performance, not seniority…

Create vouchers providing state funding so low-income children in struggling schools could transfer to private ones. The role of charter schools would also be expanded.

Corbett also is calling for a school employee wage freeze, teacher merit pay, and a new tenure system…

Click here to read the full article.



  1. These ideas by Corbett are interesting and some of them have merit. By why not address the work rules in law enforcement also. There should be the ability by management to force the police to actually work when they are on duty, to schedule according to need and not by seniority and to terminate whichever officers are not performing. Again, not according to seniority.

    Ah….but that would mean, to do the right thing, he’d have to turn his back on one of his larger voter blocks. And we known that isn’t going to happen.

  2. I am offended that Corbett is paying for his tax relief for big business by taking opportunities away from our children – and their future.

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