GOP is refusing good medicine


Congressional Republicans and more than a dozen governors have decided to keep up a rear-guard battle against President Obama’s landmark health-care reform law, which has been ruled constitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court. But their recalcitrance is not in the best interest of millions of Americans, nor does it benefit the GOP’s corporate allies.

The GOP-controlled U.S. House plans to hold what can only be called symbolic votes on repealing the sweeping reforms they deride as “Obamacare.” Meanwhile, at least 15 governors are said to be leaning toward refusing to expand state Medicaid programs — a key part of the reform’s strategy to provide some form of health insurance to the 32 million people now going without coverage.

Refusing to expand Medicaid is a bad option that should be rejected by these holdout governors. It certainly isn’t the right course for Govs. Corbett or Christie…

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