GOP Congressman, Blasts Obama Over Buffett Rule: I Can’t Afford A Tax Hike

HUFF POST:  Rep. John Fleming (R-La.) appeared on MSNBC Monday morning to express opposition to President Barack Obama’s deficit reduction plan, which includes a proposal to raise taxes on the wealthy

When asked about his business ventures — including his role in a number of Subway restaurants and UPS stores -… Fleming told MSNBC host Chris Jansing that his business expenses left him with little to tax “by the time I feed my family.”

 [MSNBC host Chris] Jansing pointed out that to a person making $40,000 or $50,000 per year, making $400,000 annually is “not exactly a sympathetic position,” but Fleming responded by calling his success a “virtue” and noting that “class warfare has never created a job.”…  (more)

EDITOR:  Here we see the growing social disconnect between the favored top 2% of earners and the rest of the population.  With the union movement influence waning, both political parties are at the beck and call of major donors and their lobbyists.  They live in posh neighborhoods where everyone is doing very well, thank you.    They don’t understand why they should be subject to even current taxes, despite paying only a fraction of what was required over most of the past century.  Class warfare?  They have been conducting it for forty years.  In fairness to Fleming, we omitted the likely misuse of the word “earn” in the article. 

