
You have totally radicalized your site. The avalanche of pro-drug, socialist health care, and leftist economics articles makes me sick. Seems to me you’re turning yourself into another LIP. You had provided worthwhile content and performed valuable service. It’s your platform, and it’s your choice. Here’s mine: Goodbye.

Editor’s response: Thank you for your comments. I write about what I believe. Not everyone will agree. And on some things I will be proven wrong over time. I have printed your comments to allow you the same privileges. Best wishes.



  1. What a narrow minded person. It’s amazing to me that people who are otherwise intelligent think that merely listening to someones differing opinion is an affront!

    I suggest that if this reader is so certain that you are incorrect than he refute it with FACTS. Instead, he runs away.

    Oh well, since he obviously can’t provide a sound and reasonable debate, their presence will not be missed!

    PS I am not for socialize medicine btw but enjoy reading others opinions! Keep up the good work and be true to yourself!

  2. This forum is essential to my mental health!! I have been speaking of injustice and intolerance and unacceptance for a long time, and, many people just don’t want to constructively discuss these issues. It’s the head in the sand approach….until they are faced with such issues.

    I, for one, will miss the writer who bid this forum good bye. He needs to be heard as well. No matter what we think or what we say, we are all in this world together.

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