Goldman Banker’s NYT Op-ed Causes $2.15 Billion Loss

NEWSMAX:  Goldman Sachs faced an unprecedented assault from one of its own on Wednesday after a banker published a withering resignation letter in the New York Times, calling the Wall Street titan a “toxic” place where managing directors referred to their own clients as “muppets.”

The op-ed was blamed Wednesday for an estimated $2.15 billion loss in the company’s shares on a day when the overall market trended upward.

It was the latest blow for the investment bank. The company — dubbed a “great vampire squid” in a 2009 article in Rolling Stone magazine — has been embroiled in the biggest-ever insider trading scandal on Wall Street. And just weeks ago, a top judge criticized Goldman for big conflicts of interest in an energy deal…  (more)

EDITOR:   We suspect that so long as there is big BIG money to be made, Goldman Sachs and their clients could not care less.  Most industrialists and some bankers have ethics but not  the parasitical financiers who have fleeced the nation over the past three decades.  They live in a shadowy world of their own.   After all, they can afford $5,000 an hour for private jets so what do they have to care about the rest of the world.  (Others can too, but they would rather give the  money to charity.)
