Giving credit where credit is due

I am not suggesting that the [the newspapers are] magnanimous or unbiased. What I stated was a fact.

LNP has published nearly every letter I have written. (And there have been several.) They have quoted me in articles.

Jack Brubaker contacted me to evaluate the financial projections of the project, and correctly quoted me (and RF: front page of New Era, below the fold) when I referred to the figures as ficticious.

The Intell quoted me correctly when I thanked the commisioners for “jumping in front of a runaway train” when they attempted to put the “brakes” on the project. (Nevin Cooley misquoted me in the press later stating that I had said thanks for “derailing the project”: a completely different image and metaphor with a different

BTW: The New Era published my anti-streetcar letter, and the next day, published their own editorial echoing my writing virtually verbatim.

I also know some reporters personally. The rank and file do not necessarily follow their bosses.

The history of my objection began when the [convention center / hotel] project grew from its private funding. I continue to believe that the project is a STUPID idea. With private money…so what? But not with public money.

When I contacted Chris Kunzler, thanking him for being among the first (with RH and RC) to express caution about the project, he called and encouraged me to write to the commissioners. The result was the lengthy opus categorically warning about the projected failure that I will stand by to today. There is nothing that has occurred since February, 2004 to contradict my writing.

There is one line from the Inquirer I question: “The controversy is over”….no, it isn’t.
