Gil Smart’s short memory

From the Gil Smart Column ” If only a noble, selfless leader, a modern-day Andrew Jackson would emerge. Good luck. His opponents would get all the campaign cash and crush him like a bug. Hell, after the negative ad blitz, you’d vote against him”.

Yes, a good column but not without some bitter irony.

Does Gil not remember what his newspapers did to Molly Henderson?


1 Comment

  1. LNP will never admit the hatchet job on the county commissioners. All they were concerned about was the completion of the Penn Square White Elephant to line their pockets.

    Newlanc should elicit the support of 60 Minutes and do a REAL investigation of the shenanigans and bullying/ lies and half-truths that went on ‘behind the scenes’. This is worthy of National attention as to how the media can sway public opinion and public outcome.

    LNP continues to be a sad reality in Lancaster…one that will only change with new ownership and management.

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