Get to the bottom of “ethical crosswinds” in Harrisburg

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS Editorial: …The ball is now in Gov. Tom Corbett’s court to nominate a new receiver. Corbett claims he was as shocked as everyone else by Unkovic’s sudden departure. But Corbett must remain true to his claims that he will appoint another independent, qualified receiver.

Corbett also should go a step further and join in the calls for an investigation of the Harrisburg Authority audit findings and of Unkovic’s claim about ethical crosswinds. It’s time to get to the bottom of Harrisburg’s past and the ongoing issues blocking the best solution to the city’s financial crisis.

As a former prosecutor, Corbett surely understands the implications of the audit findings and Unkovic’s pointed remarks in his resignation letter. If there are truly impediments to a receiver’s ability to carry out his or her duties, the court and the governor should seek to unearth those now…  (more)
