Generosity of LCCCA lease to PSP

I just learned that the third and fourth floors of the convention center are leased to Penn Square Properties for 99 years at a cost of $ 100 plus 7.2% of the maintenance costs which anounts to $ 20,000 to $30,000 per year. What a generous lease.



  1. Gee………… don’t suppose that the vast majority of “Convention Center” bookings/events/income revolve around the third and fourth floors, do ya????

    This ‘agreeement’ is blatantly one-sided and so blatantly unfair to the taxpayers who are footing the bill for the whole 9 yards.

    The District Attorney should investigate………….oops,,,sorry….he’s part of the Power Elite in Lancaster County.

    Let’s all boycott LNP, High Industries, etc etc etc

  2. Don’t forget that this same lease includes 100% of the hotel kitchen (which is used 90% of the time by the hotel) and 50% of the hotel lobby.

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