Gas industry gets money’s worth out of Corbett

HERALD STANDARD:  Last week, the industry got an early hand-out when the state Department of Environmental Protection announced a new policy that requires that the approval of enforcement actions and punishments aimed at Marcellus shale drilling operators, who contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to Corbett’s gubernatorial campaign, go through agency officials who are political appointees. (They didn’t announce the last part, but that’s the reality.) In essence, the new policy strips the DEP’s field inspectors of their regulatory powers.

The DEP said the move was made to provide consistency in enforcement. However, that argument was undercut because the new policy applies strictly to Marcellus shale-related drilling activity. It does not cover any other agency activities — mining, construction, water and sewer treatment, power generation and medical X-rays.

Later, the agency backpedaled, announcing the policy was only a three-month test run. No matter. The message had been sent: Inspectors were told in no uncertain terms that their decisions would be watched and second-guessed by political appointees… (more)

EDITOR:  Seems not a day goes by without another newspaper from around the state criticizing Governor Corbett for his favoritism to the Marcellus shale industry.  It isn’t just his judgment, it is his integrity that is on trial.
