Gas impact fee would be better than nothing

INQUIRER Editorial:  In a perfect world, Gov. Corbett would not be unalterably opposed to a severance tax on natural gas extracted by the booming Marcellus Shale industry. Pennsylvania would be able to join every other major gas-producing state and collect a modest charge on the value of gas produced. The extra money would help offset the stern budget cuts that he and the Republican-led legislature inflicted on public schools, higher education, and the safety net for the needy.

But Corbett is adamantly opposed to a severance tax on shale gas. He has not been persuaded by polls showing strong majorities of Pennsylvanians support it – 69 percent in a June survey by Quinnipiac University. Nor has he been persuaded by his political mentor, former Gov. Tom Ridge, now a gas-industry adviser, who suggested that most major drillers in the state can live with a reasonable severance tax.

So, as state legislators return to Harrisburg, they are left to consider what Corbett says he is willing to accept – an “impact fee.” Even an industry booster like Corbett is finally admitting that, while the drilling boom has produced much-appreciated jobs in rural counties and supplies the nation with relatively cheap and clean-burning energy, it also takes a significant toll on local communities and the state’s environment…   (more)


1 Comment

  1. Corbett is a HUGE bummer and a narcissistic pig and should be tarred, feathered, and carried out on a rail. How DARE he say he is willing to accept an “impact fee”….he is NOT a leader, but a plunderer and should be impeached. I did not vote for this vile person and how do those who did vote for him, like him now????

    After reading about the Justice Department and their folly and fun with taxpayer money, it is almost laughable because it is so unbelievable. Our cuts fund their fun and games. Just what the h—is going on here!!!!

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