Garbled sentences on prisons

PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS:  …In Harrisburg, Gov. Corbett has proposed dramatic cuts to education, including a 50 percent cut to the higher-education budget, at the same time he is proposing an 11 percent increase in prison spending, to nearly $2 billion.

This is disturbing, but unfortunately consistent with trends around the country: Five other states now spend more on prisons than on education. This point was made in a Pew Center on the States study released in 2008, and echoed by a study released by the NAACP last week.

The NAACP study, “Misplaced Priorities: Under Educate, Over Incarcerate,” turned its focus to prison spending, focusing on five cities, including Philadelphia, where it said that half of the prison spending in the state is spent to imprison residents from just 11 neighborhoods in the city…  (more)
