Gambling expansion biggest issue

PITTSBURGH TIMES-TRIBUNE: Gov. Tom Corbett has gained traction for his plan to turn over the state lottery to a private manager by ensuring narrow interests that their own stake in the current system will remain intact.

In the process, the most important issue – yet another vast expansion of gambling to generate state revenue – has faded into the background.

The governor reportedly has a deal with unionized lottery employees to retain their jobs. And the deal reportedly includes a piece, sought by legislators, to ensure that some of the proceeds go to their most important constituency – older voters who own property… (more)

EDITOR: Another rip off of the public to garner contributions from those who benefit for Tom Corbetts’ 2016 re-election campaign. Anytime something is working well and is a public asset, the establishment vultures will descend upon it.

QUESTION: When will the public wake up? ANSWER: The sheep will always be for the shearing.


1 Comment

  1. QUESTION: When will the public wake up? ANSWER: The sheep will always be for the shearing.


    Maybe Corbett should throw in additional unfunded pension benefits to sweeten the pot. LOL!

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