Gallup: Most Americans say U.S. nuclear power is safe


…The March 25-27 survey of 1,027 U.S. adults found public confidence in nuclear safety changed little since 2009, when Gallup found 56% believed U.S. plants were safe. In new poll, 36% said it is not safe and 6 percent had no opinion.

As Japan tries to control the damage to several nuclear power reactors caused by a March 11 earthquake and tsunami, prior polls (including one by Gallup) showed a dip in U.S. public support for more nuclear power. President Obama is seeking federal loan guarantees to help finance the construction of new plants. Currently, the nation’s 104 reactors at 65 plants supply 20% of U.S. electricity.

The latest Gallup survey showed a slight uptick in concern that the dangers of nuclear power are too great to justify construction of more U.S. plants. Nearly half, 48%, said the dangers are too great, compared with 46% who said so in a March 18-20 poll…

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