Gallup Finds that Hillary Clinton’s Wide Political Support Is Stunningly Shallow

EDITOR: We were just sent this article from March 22, 2014. It comes as no surprise.

WASHINGTON POST: While all polls show that as a likely Presidential contender in 2016, Hillary Clinton’s support is wider than anyone else’s, the latest poll from Gallup shows that this extraordinarily wide support is also remarkably shallow, which means that if she were to become the Democratic nominee, the Republican who runs against her in the general election might easily drown her in a pit of negatives that the public doesn’t yet know about. Those negatives exist.

Gallup headlined on March 21st, “Clinton’s Top Selling Point in 2016: First Female President. Top negatives are [her] not being qualified; continuing Obama’s agenda.”

Their findings show that Ms. Clinton is, in the eyes of the American public, an unknown quantity, other than that she is female, that she has been First Lady, then Senator, and then Secretary of State. And, by the time of the end of Obama’s Presidency, her defending his record (of which she was a part) might only weaken her, but her suddenly criticizing it surely will weaken her.
Virtually nobody among the 1,024 voting-age Americans, whom they randomly sampled and asked open-ended questions, could think of any achievement by Ms. Clinton, despite her high visibility and her many years in the headlines… (more)
