Gadhafi’s forces clench capital

USA TODAY: …[President Barack] Obama has been accused by some Republicans— such as Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and McCain’s former running mate in the 2008 presidential election, Sarah Palin — of not taking a strong stand against Gadhafi. Both said Obama should consider asking NATO to enforce a no-fly zone over the country to prevent Gadhafi from using his air force to kill demonstrators…

Obama ordered Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to Geneva to confer with the U.N. Human Rights Council, of which Libya is a member. He said his first priority was to ensure the safety of 600 Americans in Libya…

Hundreds of Americans safely boarded a 600-passenger ferry at Tripoli’s As-shahab port for the five-hour journey to Malta, a Mediterranean island south of Italy…  (more)
