Gaddafi’s forces enter Benghazi as U.S., allies prepare military action against Libya


Forces loyal to Moammar Gaddafi entered the eastern rebel stronghold of Benghazi Saturday after air strikes and fierce fighting, a fresh act of defiance even as the United States and its allies prepared to launch military attacks on Libya.

A warplane was shot down over Benghazi. Government troops — some reportedly in tanks — entered Benghazi from the west, in the university area. The city of 1 million quickly became a ghost town, with residents fleeing or seeking cover in barricaded neighborhoods. A Washington Post reporter saw the aircraft go down in flames. It was not known who shot it down….

U.S. ships in the Mediterranean were preparing to bombard Libya’s air defenses and runways to clear the way for European and Arab forces to establish a no-fly zone throughout the country, according to U.S. and European officials. Fighter aircraft from France, Britain and the United Arab Emirates converged on bases in and around Italy to begin operations over Libya under the command and control of the United States at its naval base in Naples…

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