From the HUFF POST:
Researchers have used surveys, imaging scans and biopsies of women, all trying to locate and define the presumably orgasmic area on the vaginal wall known as the G-spot. Based on a review of 96 published studies, an Israeli and American research team came to one conclusion.
“Without a doubt, a discreet anatomic entity called the G-spot does not exist,” said Dr. Amichai Kilchevsky, a urology resident at Yale-New Haven Hospital in Connecticut, and lead author of the review, published Jan. 12 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
“Women who can’t achieve orgasm through vaginal penetration don’t have anything wrong with them,” he said…
Click here to read the full article.
EDITOR: Huffington Post at AOL.COM carries a lot of junk stories but it also has the gumption to report matters of intimacy that have real importance in people’s day to day lives that others consider too sensitive or controversial.