Funding of City Scape Projects

There are several ways besides grant money that only [Paul] Thibault will be able to find IF he gets elected and can pork up some bills. Another way is a one-time tax by the city onto the property owners and, of course, you can always raise the city tax to increase the funds to maintain a budget.

Just addressing our County and each of our municipalities, permits and transfer taxes are down approximately 56%… We are currently spending budgets that were approved on speculation of last years income.

Therefore SMART government would take a look at projected projects that are not necessary this year and put them on hold as the funds are 1/2. Even taxes due to foreclosures are down as income.

This is all going to cause a HUGE tax increase next year to property owners or a special tax to make up the loss.

Here the city which is the highest taxed municipality in our county is going crazy to spruce up the area that will appear very similar to Atlantic City, but of course on a smaller scale. As the years go on, businesses will foot the bill as grant money will dry up.

ONLY the upper middle class and higher or the VERY poor will be able to call Lancaster City their home. This will culminate in about 5-10 years and the train is going very fast these days.
