Fry unveils neighborhood strategy for Drexel

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER:  A key architect of the University of Pennsylvania’s successful plan to revitalize its neighborhood, John A. Fry – now president of Drexel University – appears poised to make history repeat itself.

In his first major address to the Drexel community on Tuesday, Fry outlined a five-point plan to improve the Drexel neighborhood, including an expanded patrol area and a loan forgiveness program for employees who buy homes in the area.

He also pledged expertise and fundraising support for the area’s public elementary school and an effort to improve the business district along Lancaster Avenue…  (more)

EDITOR’S NOTE:  As we have oft opined, “Fry does the best possible things in the worst possible ways.”


1 Comment

  1. It appears that what Fry is attempting to do in Philadelphia is what he did in Lancaster – carve out a sphere of influence for the institution – a defacto “city within a city”.

    Just as what was best for F&M was not necessarily what was best for the F&M’s neighbors, so what is best for Drexel may not be what is best for its neighbors. And those neighbors are given absolutely no voice in what kind of changes are to be made and how they are to be made.

    What the homeowners think is not considered; they are not consulted. The homeowners find out about the changes only after the plans are made and approved by the local autorities.The phrase “best possible things” applies primarily, if not exclusively, for the institution Fry heads.

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