Freeh report dominates PSU trustees meeting

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE: Here on Friday at the Penn State University board of trustees meeting, everyone wanted their voice to be heard, their agenda met, their viewpoint demonstrated in some sort of fashion, whether they were present or chiming in from afar.

About 30 former football players sported buttons showcasing their membership in the “Grand Experiment” and accused board members of acting in their own self-interest and unfairly targeting former football coach Joe Paterno. Trustee Ken Frazier continued his defense of the Freeh report. Candidates for the next trustee election greeted media and guests in a hallway outside the conference room, chatting about reform. Scott Paterno and Paterno report co-author Dick Thornburgh called out Mr. Frazier through individual statements via email.

The chaos was only unique because of the volume and timing of the discord. Penn State trustees, of course, have faced scrutiny since November 2011. Friday illustrated that even if the same notes are being struck, they’re playing every bit as loud and the anger among a sizable faction of the Penn State community is not receding and perhaps building…  (more)
