France’s National Front leads anti-EU surge

FINANCIAL TIMES: France’s far-right National Front stormed to victory in European elections on Sunday night, leading an unprecedented surge in support for anti-EU parties across Europe that was set to reverberate far beyond Brussels politics.

The FN, led by Marine le Pen, claimed victory against both the centre-right UMP and President François Hollande’s ruling Socialist party for the first time in a nationwide vote, a stunning defeat for the mainstream parties in Europe’s second-largest economy.

Manuel Valls, the French prime minister, called the FN victory “a shock, an earthquake that all Europe’s leadership must respond to”…

Ms Le Pen said the victory for the fiercely anti-EU and anti-immigration FN was an “immense honour”, declaring: “What has happened tonight is a massive rejection of the EU.” … (more)

EDITOR: Since the elimination of borders, Western European nations, especially England and France, have experienced a huge influx of population of different color and culture, akin to the shifts in the make up of population here in the USA, but here it has been over many decades. Discontent may lead to the withdrawal of England from the European Union within the next year or two when a promised vote is finally held. There is also wide scale discontent concerning the huge size, expense and ineffectiveness of the EU bureaucracy.
