Former Harrisburg Receiver David Unkovic stands by court statement that he felt his firing was imminent

HARRISBURGH PATRIOT-NEWS: …Here is Unkovic’s response to [Steve] Kratz’s statement:

“After my press conference of March 28, 2012, I was called into the governor’s office of general counsel. Steve Aichele was adamant that I was no longer able to negotiate a settlement with the creditors given my criticism of them and my call for an investigation of possible criminal activity in connection with the incinerator financings.

I offered to resign and Mr. Aichele proposed that I might no longer be able to remain on as receiver, but might stay on at DCED and continue to work on Harrisburg matters behind the scenes.

I came away from that meeting believing I would be removed as receiver-and therefore decided to resign and leave state government at the same time.” … (more)
