Former CIA Op: Iran Remains Great Threat

NEWSMAX:  …[Reza] Kahlili insists that the rulers in Iran are a much greater evil than bin Laden. Among other factors, he points out that Iran:

  • was behind the bombing of the Marine Barracks in Beirut in 1983 killing over 240 US troops. Mohsen Rafiqdoost, then the Minister of the Revolutionary Guards, publicly stated that: “Both the TNT and the ideology, which in one blast sent to hell 400 officers, NCOs, and soldiers at the Marine’s headquarters, were provided by Iran.” In response, we removed our forces from Lebanon. 
  • formed Hezbollah, helped Islamic Jihad, armed and trained terrorists across the region and took hostages with fatal results. 
  • carried out terrorist attacks through their proxies such as the Khobar Tower bombing in Saudi Arabia and the Jewish community center bombing in Argentina. 
  • have for years armed and trained Shiite militias in Iraq with a strategy to bring down our forces, harm them, and drain the U.S. economically…   (more)