Ford Plans 2,200 Salaried Hires, Biggest Boost Since ’01

BLOOMBERG NEWS:   …The plan follows the addition of more than 8,100 hourly and salaried jobs last year, the Dearborn, Michigan-based automaker said today in an e-mailed statement. The company’s target for salaried employee hiring would be the biggest increase since Ford added 3,300 such workers in 2001…

The company last year introduced redesigned versions of two of its top sellers, the Fusion family sedan and Escape sport-utility vehicle. This year, the automaker is rolling out the Lincoln MKZ sedan aimed at reviving its lagging luxury line…

Ford is more than halfway to its commitment to add 12,000 new U.S. jobs by 2015, made as part of the company’s 2011 contract with the United Auto Workers union, according to the statement…  (more)

EDITOR:   Much of the components that go into today’s vehicles are supplied by outside companies that contract with  GM, Ford and Chrysler/ Fiat.  Had GM and Chrysler not been  saved through  government investment, the industry suppliers likely would have gone bankrupt and  Ford too would have  been adversely affected.   The American auto industry is  leading the economy to recovery.
