Under the heading Wichita Witch Hunt“, the article opens with “No good deed goes unpunished when a private citizen is up against the federal drug warriors–those members of the Department of Justice who have been seeking, with increasing success in recent decades, to effectively control the practice of pain relief medicine.”

WATCHDOG: This may not be specific to Lancaster, but just about everyone sooner or later in life, either themselves or through love ones, will encounter under treatment of pain, a subject about which ‘best practices’ are inadequately taught in medical school and often ignored by Drug War obsessed federal prosecutors. We recommend reading the short article.

Then for what may prove to be vital information dispelling popular misconceptions, visit Chronic Pain & Opioids.

(Full disclosure: NewsLanc‘s publisher is Co-Chair of Common Sense for Drug Policy, which sponsored the public service advertisement. Because he did not then know that pain could be safely controlled, he was silent while the woman who helped raise him agonized for days from bed sores before death due to under-medication.)

Updated: September 2, 2009 — 3:37 pm