For Obama, a Go-It-Alone Push Fits the Times

NEW YORK TIMES: …[President Barack] Obama has long since concluded that pursuing dreams of reconciliation in his final two years in office is a fool’s chase. So he is offering an alternative model for 21st-century presidential success…

George C. Edwards III, a Texas A&M professor who edits Presidential Studies Quarterly, wrote last year that critics of Washington dysfunction “take their frustrations out on the president, declaring that he should more effectively move the public and Congress to support his initiatives. There is little prospect for success in these endeavors, however.”

Presidents, Mr. Edwards noted, “cannot create opportunities for change. Instead, effective presidents recognize and exploit opportunities that exist in their environments.” … (more)

EDITOR: President Obama is determined to have leave no stone unturned, no legitimate power neglected that might help him to achieve as much of each item on the agenda that he set forth when he ran for President. He refuses to be emasculated by his adversaries.
