Foes of Paterno firing play role in Corbett loss

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: ….[Maribeth Roman ] Schmidt, [Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship] spokesperson, believes Corbett, among other missteps, did not give Paterno the benefit of due process. As governor, Corbett was a member of the university’s board of trustees when it moved to fire Paterno in the days after Sandusky was charged…

Schmidt said her group also faults the governor for not speaking out against a report, commissioned by the university and conducted by former FBI director Louis Freeh, that was highly critical of how the school handled information it received about Sandusky’s abuse of children…

In exit polling Tuesday, the Associated Press found nearly 60 percent of voters were not concerned over Corbett’s handling of the Sandusky scandal. But the remaining voters, nearly 40 percent, considered the issue very important or somewhat important. Most of those voters said they chose [Tom] Wolf… (more)
