F&M Security — “Bus Riders: Beware”

I am appalled at the lack of news coverage of yesterday’s event at the corner of Marietta Avenue and School Lane (in front of F&M President JohnFry’s home). WGAL only provided minimal coverage at last evening’snewscast at 5:40 PM and the Intelligencer buried a small article with the spin that F&M claims trespassing — nothing about the assault on the Lancaster Post personnel — on page B-7 of the local section.

I have become so intrigued bythis grave injustice and crushing of a media member’s constitutional rights that I drove by the street corner this morning and can clearly attest that the red newspaper box on that corner is on public property and is adjacent to the a bus stop. Does this mean that each individual waiting for a bus(in front of President John Fry’s home) must be wary of the Gestapo bullying of the F&M Security forces?

In this YouTube age of ours, theLancaster Post video clearly demonstrates the abusive, assaulting behavior of the F&M Security. In fact, I envision this episode will cost President John Fry his job as President of F&M.

When the news of this event hits the national airwaves, there will be considerable fallout from F&M alumni nationwide. Will the F&M alumni continue to “open their wallets” to donate to their school — a school in which the F&M Security assaults news media because of inherent Freedom of Press and Freedom of Assembly right?

As for the lack of news coverage, via newspaper headlines and first story on television broadcasts, I am shocked and dismayed that the local media has again opted to bury this extraordinary story for the benefit of another one of Lancaster County’s favorite sons (President John Fry). This is an abomination of our Constitution and this expected response from the local media demonstrates a lack of interest in our inherent civil liberties.
