Florida governor signs ‘ Charlotte’s Web’ medical marijuana bill

ALJAZEERA: In a historic development for the medical marijuana movement, Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed a bill Monday that will allow some patients to use a strain of low-potency marijuana for epilepsy and cancer.

In April, Scott had said he would sign the “Charlotte’s Web” bill,” after the Senate approved it by a 36-3 vote. It passed with strong support in the Florida legislature after lawmakers heard stories of children suffering from seizures who could be helped by the marijuana strain known as Charlotte’s Web.

“As a father and grandfather, you never want to see kids suffer,” Scott said in a statement. “The approval of Charlotte’s Web will ensure that children in Florida who suffer from seizures and other debilitating illnesses will have the medication needed to improve their quality of life. I am proud to stand today with families who deserve the ability to provide their children with the best treatment available.” … (more)

EDITOR: According to Doug McVay, editor of Drug War Facts: The cannabis oil which the new FL state allows is in fact defined more broadly than I had believed when I spoke with you. I called and talked with Jodi James of FL CAN shortly afterward, and learned more. She and others worked successfully to make sure that the law did not insist on the specific strain, and instead the enacted law simply requires oil that is high in cannabidiol and low in THC. It is still an extremely limited law, use of the plant itself is not allowed, and very few conditions are covered. Though it is an improvement, it only a beginning.
