First Lady, Secretary of State Clinton Present International Women of Courage Award to Hungarian Roma

March 08, 2011 3:19 PM


This morning at the State Department, on the 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and First Lady Michelle Obama presented the annual International Women of Courage awards to 10 women from around the world.

“They’ve risked their lives; they’ve served in prison; they’ve been harassed and oppressed; sometimes their own children’s lives have been at risk.  They have been insulted, beaten and tortured.  And yet each of these women has found the strength to persevere in the face of fear, isolation or repression.  And they’ve done so not just one day or one year, but day after day and year after year,” Clinton said…

— Agnes Osztolykan, Member of Parliament, Politics Can Be Different Party in Hungary. She is the first Roma woman to become a member of Hungary’s parliament and advocating for Roma and minority rights in her country…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: Such awards cost our nation virtually nothing yet provide brave reformers with prestige and demonstrate  US approval of their activities.   Furthermore, it helps protect civil rights advocates.
