Fire fighter blames City for careless negotiation with union

The following are excerpts from a letter published on by a firefighter who has recently been laid off.

“Throughout our negotiation process, the city did not mention, suggest, imply or otherwise indicate that any layoffs would occur. When the issue of compensation was raised, the city asked the firefighters what we were looking for. We suggested the agreed upon 3%, 3.25% and 3.5% incremental increases for the three consecutive years covered by the contract.

“The city immediately accepted this offer, with very little discussion. After that agreement, the negotiator for the city smirked and said that the city was willing to offer 4 or 5%. We joked with the city about making a low offer and moved on under the belief that both parties were satisfied…

“Our fire bureau is already critically understaffed. For example, I, as a probationary firefighter with about 6 months in service was pressed into service as a driver/operator for several fire apparatus due to a lack of available staff…

“Training is also a problem. Only the most senior firefighters on the job today can remember the last time city firefighters were able to train using live fire in a “burn building.” …


1 Comment

  1. How sad this city, county, state and country is operating on POLITICS over doing the job. Forget the party one is affiliated with, it is all about what is in it for ME. I see this every day and am disgusted at government waste as the taxpayers suffer from tax increases.

    Government unions and educational unions are strangling every city, municipality, county and state. Until everyone comes to the conclusion that instead of spending and what is in it for the individual, we will continue to bleed to death and be tax poor.

    As long as there is not fire where lives are lost due to inadequate safety provided, business will go on as usual.

    The city can find 130,000 for a study on the trolley system and the county can give 20,000 to pay the 150,000 but there is no money for safety.

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