Article “Greek cabinet approves budget cuts” reports:  “…Yielding to pressure from the troika, Mr Venizelos has agreed to eliminate 30,000 public sector jobs by December, overriding strong opposition from senior cabinet colleagues.

“About 23,000 workers nearing retirement will lose their positions along with 7,000 others after mergers and restructuring at dozens of state-controlled organisations, according to details of the plan leaked to Greek media. In a Greek newspaper interview, Mr Venizelos expressed confidence that Athens had done enough to ensure disbursement of the next loan tranche and avert a looming cash crunch, saying: “Given that we’re taking such tough measures … the sixth tranche is assured,” he was quoted as saying.

“However, analysts remain sceptical, citing Greece’s reluctance over the past year to comply with EU-IMF deadlines for reform. As a result of the delays both Mr Venizelos and George Papandreou, the prime minister, had to make personal commitments to meeting the timetable in separate letters sent to Christine Lagarde, the IMF managing director. The letters, sent last week, have not been made public…” (more)

WATCHDOG: We cannot comprehend why the Greek government is doing this to its population…nor apparently can Warren Buffet, George Soros and our banker friends.  The EU doesn’t care one wit about the Greek population.  It is only interested in protecting the German, French and Dutch banks.   So why shouldn’t the banks that foolishly leant all that money at least share some of the pain?

Updated: October 4, 2011 — 9:24 am