“China revises up 2008 growth to 9.6 per cent” continues China on Friday revised up its 2008 growth rate to 9.6 per cent, taking it well above the originally reported 9.0 per cent after calculating that the service sector had been more productive than previously thought.”

WATCHDOG: In comparison, here are the Gross National Product figures for the United States over the past four years:   First three quarters 2009 minus 3.2%; 2008 plus 0.43%; 2007 plus 2.13%, 2006 plus 2.65%.

Causes for our slow growth? Start with health care costs over half again more than other advanced nations…and two wars and a run amok military/industrial complex.

Our workers real wages remain flat over two decades.  Our industrial capacity continues to shrink.


Updated: December 25, 2009 — 6:14 pm