Fewer young people at polls

As I went to vote today, I met a very nice young gentleman running for my district seat vacated by Katie True.  There was a line to talk with him.  It was a shame that I at 61 was the youngest one in line.  Where were all the voters that voted for the last President?

My question to him was would he be able to make a difference in the way Harrisburg overspends, for example, term limits or part time representatives or making districts larger and having fewer representatives?  He was for part time legislatures and cut out all the perks if he had a choice.  He said he worked in past years for the candidate that ran against Roy B and finally decided to participate as he knows he will make a difference.  Also, he is young and part of a huge group of middleclass that want to clean up our system.

He was very informed on the M Shell program and said with all the permits and red tape this state has set forth, we are charging a million dollars per well right off the bat and if this continues these companines will go elsewhere.  I was shocked at some of his answeres after hearing all the wasteful ads these last few days.
