Fed up and curious swell anti-Wall St ranks

FINANCIAL TIMES:  ….The arrests have drawn worldwide attention to Occupy Wall Street, a fledgling protest movement modelled on the Arab spring, protests in Greece, and demonstrations in the state of Wisconsin earlier this year.

On Sunday, in a park surrounded by offices of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, demonstrators waved signs bearing phrases ranging from “Bring back Glass-Steagall” – a reference to the since-repealed Depression-era law that long prohibited traditional lenders from engaging in capital markets activities – to “Fire the boss”…

The protests are part of a movement that began in New York but has spread to other financial centres and cities across America, including Boston and Chicago. Twenty-four protesters were arrested Friday for trespassing at a Bank of America building in Boston, said James Kenneally, a spokesman for Boston police…(more)
