Failed democracy in India

Laws cannot touch the Lawmakers

In Israel, former President Katsav got a jail-term of 6 years for rape.

It is a different story in India, where lawmakers are exempt from the laws !

In April / May 2011, Indians will elect Members of Legislative Assemblies for 5 states.

Will they be any better than the outgoing 813 MLAs , of whom :

  • 25 % are criminals
  • 204 have 516 criminal cases pending against them
  • 83 are facing criminal charges for murder, kidnapping and extortion
  • 97 are billionaires
  • 403 did not declare PAN [ Permanent Account Number ] details
  • ( Why file an Income Tax Return ? )

    These are findings of National Election Watch ( as reported in DNA, March 13,2011 ).

    Democracy in India, is a political invention to enable citizens to choose who should swindle / loot / rape / murder them for the next 5 years, without fear of law!
