Facebook Moving Away From Voting Scheme

WALL STREET JOURNAL:  … On Wednesday the social network announced several updates to its governing policy that may ultimately limit the community’s ability to overturn future policy decisions. In a blog post authored by Elliot Schrage, its head of communications, Facebook said it will remove a voting system that gives its users the opportunity to strike down a policy change if a change prompts more than 7,000 comments and if more than 30% of people on Facebook participate in a vote…

 “We found that the voting mechanism, which is triggered by a specific number of comments, actually resulted in a system that incentivized the quantity of comments over their quality,” Schrage said.

In lieu of the old voting system, Facebook said it is planning to roll out several new feedback programs, including a forum where consumers can submit questions to the Chief Privacy Officer, Erin Egan, and live webcasts with Egan. The company also said it will send out e-mail notifications about the policy change to more than a billion users and provide a seven-day comment period, during which time the community can still push the proposal to a vote…  (more)
