F & M’s neighborhood surveillance cameras exempt from rules?

There have been questions and concerns recently about the employees who watch the monitors at the LCSC.  At least the names and backgrounds of those employees are available to the public.

That is not true of the employees (who may be students) who are watching the monitors in the offices of F&M Safety and Security. Those monitors record the videos from 16 cameras overlooking city streets, from Race Ave. to Charlotte St., Lemon St. to Harrisburg Pike.  All 16 cameras record private and public property that does not belong to F&M. That includes people’s front yards, porches and front doors.

F&M answers to no one. Is anyone watching those watchers? Who’s to know?

F&M’s 16 cameras are in addition to LCSC’s 165. Yet they are never included in any accounting of the city’s surveillance cameras. Why are these cameras exempt from the rules that apply to all the rest of the cameras on city streets?

What qualifies F&M and its cameras to be exempt from Mayor Gray’s recommendations designed to protect the public from potential abuse?
