F & M not open to press

I find it amusing that a letter writer should take NewsLanc to task for one-sided reporting on the TRRAAC meeting last night. The writer obviously had not read NewsLanc’s site, since recently an article appeared about F&M’s response to the TRRAAC alternative.

Perhaps the reason many news outlets carry more from the TRRAAC perspective is that TRRAAC holds public meetings and actually invites participation and input, and is open and honest it all their communications both with the citizens and with the
press. Since most of F&M’s planning is done privately, in-house, is not open to the public, and does not include the press until all their plans are done, finished, and set in stone, it is a little unreasonable to blame the press for the silence.

I would be remiss if I failed to also mention that F&M has banned Ron Harper and the Lancaster Post from campus eliminating one of the two alternative news outlets from reporting anything about them, leaving only NewsLanc to present an alternative to
Lancaster Newspapers. TRRAAC seems to welcome all news coverage and seems to want to maintain a good relationship with all press outlets.
