Extreme paramilitary force

Last weekend I helped organize a support rally for Bradley Manning.  The peaceful protest was met with extreme paramilitary force by five police agencies in Virginia.  The event was held outside of the Quantico Marine Base where Manning is being tortured every day.  As you probably all know he has been held in solitary confinement before trial for 7 months.  They have been taking away his clothes every night for the last few weeks, forcing him to stand at attention every morning to get them back.  I serve on the steering committee of the Bradley Manning Support Network, www.BradleyManning.org.

This video, Symptoms of a Police State?, came out today that showed the day’s events well:

[youtube 4Dxe20TlNeo]



1 Comment

  1. Is this what we’ve become? A police state?

    How far we’ve fallen from the grace of our founding fathers.

    Guilty or innocent the man deserves a speedy trial. No one deserves torture.

    Proud of you. Keep up the great works!

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