Extraction tax is Socialism

While it is important for the government to ensure the safety of other natural resources potenitally afected by the fracking process, which they appear to be doing by now having more than one inspector for every drilling site in the state, the need to add additional taxes on the extraction process is ridiculous. These gas drilling companies are really the only significant source of net new employment in the state and they pay significant fees and taxes related to employment and other taxes.

This resource beongs to the people under whose land it lies. It is not yours simply because you live in PA. Perhaps I should be able to get a piece of our business or gain something from your real estate. I mean, I live in Lancaster too.

Obviously the first poster in this thread is a typical socialist who wants to steal the fruits of others labor or good investments.


1 Comment

  1. Nonsense. The drillers pay extraction taxes everywhere else, and the notion that if Pennsylvania taxes them they’ll pack up and not drill here is ludicrous. They’ll be here because the gas is here, the jobs will be created even if there’s an extraction tax.

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