Expatriates in drug violence-riddled Mexico: Stay or go?

USA TODAY:…. Captured Los Zetas territory boss, Juan Carlos Antonio Mercado, said he ordered the murders to spread fear and reinforce the reputation of his cartel as a syndicate that will stop at nothing to dominate the drug trade.

Such grisly violence against ordinary people seemed unimaginable to the residents of San Juan Cosalá and nearby villages, and has rattled the Americans and others who have moved to the region to spend their lives in the sun.

“It’s paradise lost, at least for the short term,” says Steven Miller, a retired Air Force major from Las Vegas who has spent most of the past eight years in the Chapala area… (more)

EDITOR:   This is all because of our ill conceived ‘War on Drugs.’   Alcohol prohibition was reversed within a little over a decade, even though it required a Constitutional amendment to do so.  We allowed states and communities to regulate alcohol as they chose and, where legal, it was taxed, regulated and controlled.

We can’t even bring ourselves to view all the harm that is being done and alter our statutes.  It is not only sad, but tragic.  And the worse is yet to come.

The only sign of hope is not based upon wisdom or compassion, but  a burgeoning awareness of the cost of imprisoning so large a part of our population and its consequences.
