Ex-Pa. House leader: Prosecutors linked to porn emails are hypocrites

PHILLY.COM: …Indeed, while pursuing Bonusgate, [State prosecutor Frank] Fina thought a lot about breasts – but apparently he didn’t think much of women. He used his state email and computer to send pornographic and misogynistic emails to colleagues who worked for then-Attorney General Tom Corbett – a scandal now known as Porngate.

At 4:01 p.m. Thursday, May 21, 2009, Fina sent an email to state special agents Anthony Fiore and Michael Cranga containing four images of women engaged in sex acts on men, depicted in mock motivational posters. The pornographic photos have slogans including: “WILLINGNESS: Bend over backwards to do an exceptional job,” “DEVOTION: Making your boss happy is your only job” and “PERFORMANCE: Monthly performance evaluations are mandatory for all secretarial staff.”

Fina sent that email – and many others like it – during the same year when he was investigating DeWeese and legislative staffers for doing campaign work on state time with state resources – a crime called theft of services, one of the charges of which DeWeese was convicted… (more)

EDITOR: Perhaps we should judge Kathleen Kane by the character of her accusers and those endeavoring to drive her from office. Slowly but surely the full story is leaking out.


Ex-Pa. House leader: Prosecutors linked to porn emails are hypocrites

PHILLY.COM: …Indeed, while pursuing Bonusgate, [State prosecutor Frank] Fina thought a lot about breasts – but apparently he didn’t think much of women. He used his state email and computer to send pornographic and misogynistic emails to colleagues who worked for then-Attorney General Tom Corbett – a scandal now known as Porngate.

At 4:01 p.m. Thursday, May 21, 2009, Fina sent an email to state special agents Anthony Fiore and Michael Cranga containing four images of women engaged in sex acts on men, depicted in mock motivational posters. The pornographic photos have slogans including: “WILLINGNESS: Bend over backwards to do an exceptional job,” “DEVOTION: Making your boss happy is your only job” and “PERFORMANCE: Monthly performance evaluations are mandatory for all secretarial staff.”

Fina sent that email – and many others like it – during the same year when he was investigating DeWeese and legislative staffers for doing campaign work on state time with state resources – a crime called theft of services, one of the charges of which DeWeese was convicted… (more)

EDITOR: Perhaps we should judge Kathleen Kane by the character of her accusers and those endeavoring to drive her from office. Slowly but surely the full story is leaking out.
